If you have been in the online business world for some time, you may have run across the concept of social bookmark tools. These social bookmark tools may seem like a cool thing, but you may wonder sometimes just how they fit into your general business model. After all, social bookmark tools may not have been well explained. And yet the thing about these social bookmarking tools is that they take advantage of the cloud. You can carry your bookmarks anywhere, share them with friends, and overall have more access to your bookmarks.
One of the nice things about social bookmark tools are that you can take them with you anywhere. In the past, bookmarks were native to whatever PC or web browser you were using at the time. These bookmarks were great for single applications and for common URLs, but broke down once you started using more complex URLs. Sub domains and very specific webpages were common culprits.
With social bookmark tools, you can take your bookmarks anywhere. Whether they be on your computer, on your phone, your mobile device or another electronic gizmo, you can use social bookmark tools to keep track of whatever it is you need to find.
Of course, the best social bookmarking tools are not meant to be kept to yourself. Rather, they are meant to be shared. Much like a blog, these social bookmark tools can be tagged according to subject area, such as futures, options, plain vanilla swaps and ETFs. They can then be shared with others, and spread joy and merriment across your workplace.
Many social bookmark tools give you the freedom to go anywhere. By saying that you will use social bookmarks, you are declaring you are ready to use a bookmark on any device. Using social bookmark tools can also let you share with friends. Overall, social bookmark tools are a great asset to have.